
Hard American Country Music- that´s NA STARÝ KOLENA BAND, a bunch of folks who play what hardly anybody else plays in their country. They do electric American  country strongly mixed up with southern rock and blues. And they do it their own way and with real enthusiasm  and verve. All that in rock and acoustic versions. You´ll see if  You meet them and listen one day.

The idea to found a music band, including the repertoire, lyrics, the image and a poster lay-out came up in 1993 but in fact Tomas had to wait another 10 years until the potential members „grew up“ and matured. That means till 2003. This band thus exists since the year 2003 and since 2005 until today the band performs with the same musicians.

The band performs mainly in their mother language but also in English and it introduced itself in about 30 music clubs- both rock and country clubs, festivals, celebrations and motor-biker meetings all over the Czech Republic. They also played at the Czech Culture Center in Munich with great success.

CONTACT  EML : info@nastarykolenaband.cz


Pořád žijeme a hrajeme :-)

14. 08. 2019
.. a stále zrajeme jako archivní vína :-)

